Saturday, October 3, 2009

Small Update

Added live preview so you can see how your status will look before you click ok and set it.

Adaugat: Preview in timp real pentru a vedea statusul inainte de al seta.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Screamer Radio status changer

It's done. Unfortunately in a hurry but it seems to do the job.
The macro for showing the song/radio that you're listening to with screamer is [RSong], case sensitive of course.
No extra-functions, not too much testing. By the way I'd need some beta-testers if anyone wants to offer because I'll be adding 2 more media players soon.

Am adaugat si Screamer Radio la lista de playere suportate. Macroul pentru vizualizarea a ceea ce ascultati in status este [RSong]. Nu e testat prea mult dar isi face treaba.


Friday, September 18, 2009

Update - Bug fix

Quite a bug actually. Since the last update I forgot to check the winamp compatibility since AIMP and foobar worked and it seems like for Winamp the status wasn't changing. It's fixed now, just download the new version.

Ultima versiune se pare ca nu mai mergea cu Winamp. Rezolvat.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Small update

Fixed: Statuses were stored everytime you closed the program with the "auto-show last status" option on.
Fixed: If no player is opened, the audio player macros aren't displayed anymore.

Probleme rezolvate: Statusurile era memorate automat cu optiunea "auto-show last status".

- Daca nu era niciun player deschis, macrourile tot apareau.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Status revolution status changer 0.98


Now compatible with foobar2000 (also a great audio player by the way).

So now we have a status changer for Yahoo! Messenger, MSN / Live Messenger compatible with AIMP, Winamp & foobar2000.
Fixed bugs: Doesn't change your status if you are invisible and a few other things non important to the public.

Acum compatibil si cu foobar2000.
Acum StatusRevolution merge cu Yahoo! Messenger si MSN/Windows Live Messenger si suporta playerele: AIMP, Winamp si Foobar2000


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Small Update + News

StatusRevolution is now compatible with Yahoo! Messenger 10 pre-alpha(download button in your right) and I am also working on making it compatible with foobar 2000. There aren't many foobar status changers out there that work with yahoo! messenger. Just a little patience.

StatusRevolution este acum compatibil si Yahoo! Messenger 10 pre-alpha.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

StatusRevolution 0.96 UPDATED

StatusRevolution has been updated again. And it's a nice one.

Added: Auto-Show last status option. With this enabled as soon as StatusRevolution is opened it will set the status to the last one you had. If you set it to run at startup and minimized you won't even feel it's there, yet you'll still have a cool status.
Added: [Bar] macro. This is a cool progress bar that appears in your status as [--|---] depending on how long your song has been playing.
Modified: The interface is now a little smaller with the option to expand for further settings.

If you like and use it please recommend it to your friends and send me feedback & suggestions at

StatusRevolution a fost updatat:
Adaugat: Optiunea "auto-show last status. Cu aceasta optiune bifata de fiecare data cand porniti programul acesta va afisa ultimul status pe care l-ati avut.
Adaugat: Macroul [Bar]. In locul acestui macro in status va aparea un "progress bar" ce arata cat ati ascultat/cat a ramas de ascultat din melodie sub forma [--|---]
Modificat: Interfata e mai mica cu optiunea de a o expanda pentru mai multe optiuni.

CLICK TO DOWNLOAD StatusRevolution 0.96

Monday, July 27, 2009


StatusRevolution is the next update after Y!StatusRevolution status changer. StatusRevolution now supports both Yahoo! Messenger and MSN/Windows live Messenger and the support for Winamp has been added again. So now it supports 2 instant messengers: yahoo/msn and 2 music players: AIMP and Winamp. I still suggest trying AIMP over Winamp.
Most of the annoying bugs in the previous versions of Y!SR have been fixed. For example many songs showed only the title of the song not the artist, this has been fixed for mp3 files.
A major improvement in this version is the fact that you don't have to write your Yahoo! ID down anymore to be able to use it with Y!M as some of you were susceptive over this, thinking that I somehow collect your information. It now detects the id automatically as though this came at a cost: StatusRevolution only supports version 9.0 and higher of Y!M now. With MSN there are no problems, it works even with older versions, the only requirement is that you check the "Show what I'm listening to" box(more details in the help file).

StatusRevolution reprezinta urmatorul update dupa programul Y!StatusRevolution. StatusRevolution suporta acum Yahoo! Messenger precum si MSN/Windows Live Messenger. Acum suporta 2 programe de messenger si 2 playere audio. Bugurile din versiunea anterioara au fost rezolvate. Nu mai trebuie sa va scrieti idul pentru a putea schimba statusul cu Y! Messenger, este detectat automat. Suportul pentru Yahoo! Messenger(versiuni anterioare Y!M 9 nu mai esti valabil).

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD StatusRevolution v. 0.9.


What is Status Revolution?

Status Revolution is a small freeware application for managing instant messenger statuses. It supports Yahoo! Messenger and Windows Live Messenger and it can extract information from 4 media players with 2 more on the way. StatusRevolution is light-weight(~ 1000 kb) and very easy to use with no computer knowledge required. It doesn't need to be installed with a whole bunch of files clogging up your computer like other programs do. You're just 2 clicks away from a fully customized personal status. Status Revolution is macro based and that means you can insert a string in your status that corresponds to the information you want to be shown. For example: Putting [Song] in your status will show up as "Beethoven - Ode to Joy".

Full list of macros and explanations below:

[Song] - Shows the song currently playing in AIMP, Winamp & foobar2000

[RSong] - Shows the song name/radio of what you are listening to in Screamer Radio.

[Bar] - Displays a cool looking progress bar that indicates how far the song has been playing.

[Pos] - Position in playlist for the currently playing song.

[Len] - The length of the current track.

[Bit] - Bitrate of the current song.

[State] - The player state(Paused or Stopped).

[Vol] - Player volume.

[Clock] - Displays current time. Updates once a minute.

[Date] - Displays the current date(Day-Month-Year)

[Win] - Displays the title of the currently active window(This may be a game, you're web-browser, you're word application etc). Don't change windows too fast with this macro enabled or you may get your status blocked.

Media players supported: AIMP, Winamp, foobar2000 & Screamer Radio.
Coming next: Quintessential Media Player and VLC(VideoLan).

Ce este StatusRevolution? StatusRevolution este o aplicatie gratuita pentru organizarea statusurilor in programele de messenger. Suporta Yahoo! Messenger si MSN/Live Messenger si poate extrage informatii din 4 playere audio. Este foarte compact(aproximativ 1 mb) si foarte usor de folosit cu 0 cunostinte de calculator necesare(eventual de limba engleza, il voi traduce in curand). Nu are nevoie de intalare ca sa va ingreuneze sistemul. Sunteti la doar 2 clickuri distanta de a avea un status personalizat cu muzica pe care o ascultati. Aplicatia functioneaza pe baza de macrouri ceea ce inseamna ca pentru a afisa informatiile necesare trebuie doar sa scrieti cateva litere in status. De exemplu scriind [Song] va rezulta in statusul de messenger ca "Beehoven - Ode to Joy"(melodia ascultata).

O lista cu macro-urile suportate si explicatiile lor aveti mai jos:

[Song] - Arata melodia pe care o ascultati in AIMP, Winamp sau foobar2000.

[RSong] - Arata melodia pe care o ascultati in Screamer Radio.

[Bar] - Afiseaza un progress bar ce arata cat ati ascultat din melodie sub forma [--|---]

[Pos] - Pozitia in playlist a melodiei care o ascultati.

[Len] - Durata totala a melodiei.

[Bit] - Bitrateul melodiei curente.

[State] - Starea playerului(Paused or Stopped).

[Vol] - Volumul playerului.

[Clock] - Afiseaza ora curenta. Se schimba 1 data la minut.

[Date] - Afiseaza data curenta.

[Win] - Afiseaza numele ferestrei actuale. Folositor pentru a arata ce joc jucati sau ce pagini web vizionati.
