Saturday, August 1, 2009

StatusRevolution 0.96 UPDATED

StatusRevolution has been updated again. And it's a nice one.

Added: Auto-Show last status option. With this enabled as soon as StatusRevolution is opened it will set the status to the last one you had. If you set it to run at startup and minimized you won't even feel it's there, yet you'll still have a cool status.
Added: [Bar] macro. This is a cool progress bar that appears in your status as [--|---] depending on how long your song has been playing.
Modified: The interface is now a little smaller with the option to expand for further settings.

If you like and use it please recommend it to your friends and send me feedback & suggestions at

StatusRevolution a fost updatat:
Adaugat: Optiunea "auto-show last status. Cu aceasta optiune bifata de fiecare data cand porniti programul acesta va afisa ultimul status pe care l-ati avut.
Adaugat: Macroul [Bar]. In locul acestui macro in status va aparea un "progress bar" ce arata cat ati ascultat/cat a ramas de ascultat din melodie sub forma [--|---]
Modificat: Interfata e mai mica cu optiunea de a o expanda pentru mai multe optiuni.

CLICK TO DOWNLOAD StatusRevolution 0.96

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